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- Patricia Brogdon, Author -
- Patricia, Author-

I have worked in the technology field for my entire career all the while passionately pursuing a spiritual path and a love for writing that ultimately led me to create the Molly and Omari series. One day during the pandemic, when anxieties were high, especially among children, I sent up an earnest prayer:  What can I do to help?


I thought maybe I’d be led to donate to this or that charity, or bring meals to neighbors and the like. But when you ask a question from your small human self, a question to the Almighty Creator, you can almost always expect to get something much bigger, if not much different than you could ever have imagined.


Not only was it unexpected, God’s answer absolutely delighted me. I woke up the next day with the concept of Molly and Omari, just hanging there, strongly on my mind, along with a list of tools I had acquired over the years to reduce anxiety and live a long and strong, healthy and joyful life. The idea lit me up and I got started right away, never looking back. To learn more about what led me down this path (i.e., battling my own childhood anxiety), check out Why I Wrote This Book.


Currently I work full-time in the technology field as a content writer and marketer. I work on Molly and Omari during my free time - it is one of my great joys along with being in nature and hanging out with family.


I live on the seacoast of Massachusetts, USA, married to the love of my life, with two crazy-awesome grown children and a 10-year-old black lab mix named Cooper (who thinks he is still a puppy ;-)

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- Bemmygail, Illustrator -

I am Bemmygail, founder and producer of Bemmygail Animation Studio, and I am honored to be a part of Molly and Omari books. I'm an illustrator and animator and have been in the creative industry since 2011. We create content for children and families by offering products and services for children's stories, apps, games, web, and films. We want to entertain and educate children and families around the world. We're so happy to have many successful projects completed by collaborating with authors and producers! This is our studio's official site

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As an artist, I have completed multiple courses from 5 different schools in fine arts, animation, IT, and game design. I love all things art, technology, and education in general. There is just so much to learn and enjoy. I also have a forever puppy named Paul. 

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- Laura Lockwood - Narrator

Laura hails from off-the-grid North Idaho, where she grew up in the woods practicing new voices every day with her golden retriever, Gabe (who rarely contributed input). She earned a BA in psychology and French at Grinnell College in Iowa, spent time in Boston, and then pivoted to pursuing her career in voice acting. Laura completed voiceover training at VoiceTrax SF and under private instruction from voice actor Doug Boyd in the Bay Area of California.

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She now lives in Maine with her husband, Andrew, and Bernese mountain dog, Ilya. Laura loves watching stand-up comedy, eating tacos, romping around in the snow, and listening to true crime podcasts. She deeply dislikes audience participation, sauerkraut, and birds (unless they’re far away or on murals).  You can find Laura over at

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