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Molly and Omari Learn Yoga is the first in a series of twelve books that teach children skills that they may not learn in school, while simultaneously empowering and entertaining them, contributing to their love of reading and learning.


In Molly and Omari Learn Yoga, culturally diverse best friends Molly and Omari happen to sit under a very unusual tree named Wanda the Wise Willow, who listens to their problems and teaches them yoga poses that work wonderfully to both calm and energize them.


The two besties try out their new skills down by the creek skipping rocks and at the County Fair, getting empowering results that can easily translate into many other areas of their lives!


Bonus: The last chapter in Molly and Omari Learn Yoga speaks to the reader directly, encouraging them by stating how many words and chapters they just read, thereby increasing metacognition, boosting their confidence, and contributing to their social and emotional well-being.


Recommended by teachers for teaching SEL (social-emotional learning), skills for coping with anxiety, socialization, behavior management, getting along with others, sharing, cooperative learning and problem-solving.


Realistic Fiction. Grade Levels: 1-3. Fountas and Pinnell Reading Levels L-N.

If you love this book, check out the others in the Molly and Omari series!


1. Molly and Omari Learn Yoga

2. Molly and Omari Learn Tapping

3. Molly and Omari Learn Deep Breathing

4. Molly and Omari Learn Qigong

5. Molly and Omari Learn to Meditate

6. Molly and Omari Learn Fear Shrinking

7. Molly and Omari Learn How to Listen to Nature

8. Molly and Omari Learn Gratitude Games

9. Molly and Omari Learn Habit Stacking

10. Molly and Omari Learn to Drink their Veggies!

11. Molly and Omari Learn Energy Medicine

12. Molly and Omari Learn How to Communicate with Animals


What People are Saying

This is a rare and terrific book to get kids introduced and curious about yoga in an accessible and relatable way. I like how the author described yoga poses that were modeled after things kids already knew such as a dog, camel, tortoise, tree, owl, etc., with great illustrations!

The author also does a good job giving practical applications of yoga poses to everyday things in a kid's life. The scenes of catching dragon flys, rock skipping, trying to fall asleep, and concentrating at the county fair all allow for the benefits of yoga to integrate with the challenges of everyday life.

I would recommend this book to any parent who wants to introduce yoga (or already has) to young kids or is looking for inspiration on how to make yoga more relatable to kids. The story is easy to follow while the vocabulary is challenging enough to push kids to learn more difficult adjectives to describe their world and feelings.

I am excited to read about the future topics in the Molly and Omari series!


-Matt H.

In ‘Molly and Omari Learn Yoga,’ Omari tries to skip stones, but he keeps tensing up while throwing. Molly, on the other hand, can skip stones. But when she tries to catch a dragonfly, she keeps moving her hand as if she were going to swat it. That’s when a tree starts to talk! And the tree—Wanda—begins to teach yoga. Does the yoga help Molly catch a dragonfly? Does it help Omari skip stones? Read ‘Molly and Omari Learn Yoga’ to find out!

This book is a chapter book, and it taught me some pretty cool yoga poses. I even did them while reading this book!

One theme in this book is to relax. That’s what yoga is for!

I give this book 5/5 stars as I loved the poses, Wanda, the tree taught.


-Read and Reviewed by 7-year old Amy on NetGalley

“The vocabulary and storyline in this book are excellent!  I can think of several ways to incorporate this book into my daily lessons, from learning to read, spell and define vocabulary, to utilizing as a companion text for lessons on science and social-emotional learning.  In the midst of this pandemic of 2020, nothing could be more valuable and right on target than a story that informs and equips children with the tools to keep themselves centered, relaxed and calm through yoga. I highly recommend this book!



Carol M.

Reading Specialist

I read Molly and Omari Learn Yoga to my 2nd grade class. My class right now is hybrid (half at home and half in front of me). Both groups enjoyed the story and tried out the poses as I read the description that Molly & Omari followed. I was surprised by the background knowledge many had of the different yoga poses. The story had a very calming flow to it. I read it at the end of the day but I easily see it being a story to read after recess to calm and refocus students. I asked my students their favorite part and they shared that they liked the characters and the yoga pose but everyone agreed that their most favorite part was when the author spoke to them after the story was finished. They had never read/listened to a story where the author spoke directly to them and they were charmed by it. I highly recommend this book.


-Janine W.

 2nd Grade Teacher

What a fun way to introduce children to yoga and simple relaxation tools that they can learn and use easily in everyday life.Loved the characters, the story, the vocabulary, and the colorful illustrations which show kids simple yoga poses in an understandable and approachable way. Kids will look forward to following Molly and Omari’s future adventures!


-Sue A.


You can read more reviews on the home page and on Goodreads, NetGalley, and Amazon.

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