Illustrated by Bemmygail Abanilla
Molly and Omari Learn Tapping is the second book in a series of twelve books that teach children skills they may not learn in school, while simultaneously empowering and entertaining them, contributing to their love of reading and learning.
In Molly and Omari Learn Tapping, culturally diverse best friends Molly and Omari learn how to “tap” away their strong emotions (also called the emotional freedom technique (EFT)), at school from their teacher Mrs. Gupta. Mrs. Gupta teaches them tapping outdoors on school grounds as the children are still in the midst of a world-wide pandemic.
Omari uses tapping for his sadness after hearing his parents argue and Molly uses tapping to help calm her nerves when getting up in front of the class for Show and Tell. This fun yet practical book will have your children smiling and learning this wonderful technique while simultaneously being entertained through Molly and Omari’s adventures.
Bonus: The last chapter in Molly and Omari Learn Tapping speaks to the reader directly, encouraging them by stating how many words and chapters they just read, thereby increasing metacognition, boosting confidence, and contributing to social and emotional well-being.
Recommended by teachers for teaching SEL (social-emotional learning), skills for coping with anxiety, socialization, behavior management, getting along with others, sharing, cooperative learning and problem-solving. Realistic Fiction. Grade Levels: 1-3. Fountas and Pinnell Reading Levels L-N. If you love this book, check out the others in the Molly and Omari series!
1. Molly and Omari Learn Yoga
2. Molly and Omari Learn Tapping
3. Molly and Omari Learn Deep Breathing
4. Molly and Omari Learn Qigong
5. Molly and Omari Learn Meditating
6. Molly and Omari Learn Fear Shrinking
7. Molly and Omari Learn Listening to Nature
8. Molly and Omari Learn Gratitude Games
9. Molly and Omari Learn Habit Stacking
10. Molly and Omari Learn How to Drink their Veggies!
11. Molly and Omari Learn Energy Medicine
12. Molly and Omari Learn How to Communicate with Animals
What People are Saying
Covers many different important lessons besides EFT
I love seeing EFT being addressed at a young reader level. With the increase in anxiety related issues in children since the pandemic this is such a fabulous tool to help introduce young kids to for their mental-emotional wellbeing.
The explanation was well explained as part of the story.
Other important aspects incorporated into the story are:
Prior to reading this I had no idea what tapping was. It was really cool to hear it described by the characters in this book in a way that is accessible to children. I like that they tackled some of the hard current events but kept the overall atmosphere of the book positive. I think this is an excellent resource for parents and children to connect over ways to reduce their anxiety in difficult circumstances.
-Rachel S.
Goodreads Reviewer
This is a wonderful book, which my daughter and I both loved. The book is about a boy called Omari and a girl called Molly, who learn how to do tapping after their school teacher Mrs Gupta show them how to do it. They learn that they can tap on parts of their bodies, in order to help release strong emotions, such as anger, sadness, guilt, shyness, anxiety etc. This is a great tool, which can help children worldwide, and so, this is an important book to get out into the world at this time. It would be a great book to have in all homes, schools, nurseries and libraries.
The audiobook narrator was fantastic and she had a really lovely, soothing and calming voice.
This is an amazing book, which is excellent and highly recommended.
This book is the second of a series of twelve books, of which the first book: Molly and Omari Learn Yoga is also available. I am really excited to read the third book when it comes out!
-Catherine C.
Book Reviewer
1. Multiculturalism- a good mix of different cultures, traditional clothing, traditions (like yoga & reiki) and names.
2. Complicated concepts associated with stress related appropriately. Kids understanding “fight or flight” at a young age along with being able to recognize how it feels in the body is huge.
3. Being exposed to traditional Chinese Medicine and concepts of meridians and acupressure.
4. Vocabulary words that are challenging and also teaching children body awareness.
5. Website with visuals for audiobook readers or just practice.
6. Pandemic and associated challenges of masks and various school adjustments addressed.
7. Discussions of fears and anxiety in a safe and open environment. The more talking about feelings becomes seen as normal, the easier it will be for kids to feel heard and valued.
As an acupuncturist, I find EFT an excellent tool to teach clients for self care. This book is a great resource for young clients and something parents can share with their kids as well.
-Goodreads Reviewer